
Grigoris Tsopouridis

Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina

About Me

I am currently pursuing my Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Ioannina, under the guidance of Prof. Ioannis Fudos. Prior to this, I obtained my Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering from the same department in September 2021. My current research focuses on deep learning for rendering, integrating deep learning into traditional (mostly) real-time rendering methods. Up to now, this exploration has placed a specific emphasis on order-independent transparency. 



  1. EG
    Grigoris Tsopouridis, Andreas A. Vasilakis, Ioannis Fudos
    Eurographics Shorts, 2024.

  2. CGF
    Grigoris Tsopouridis, Andreas A. Vasilakis, Ioannis Fudos
    Computer Graphics Forum e15071, 2024.

  3. TVC
    Grigoris Tsopouridis, Ioannis Fudos, Andreas Vasilakis
    The Visual Computer 38, 9 (2022), 3289–3300, 2022.

Other Activities

Teaching Assistant - Computer Graphics and Interactive Systems

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